Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's Official

It's official.  I have a company!  I have done all the paper work and Amylou is now officially an LLC according to the state of Missouri.  Hopefully I will be ready to open up shop real soon.  I'll be selling handcrafted baby and toddler gifts, like headbands and tutus.  My website,, is currently under construction.  I had hoped to have started selling by now, but my website ended up being a lot more "professional" than I had originally planned (thanks to my very driven and very talented cousin, Jonathan), so instead of selling a handful of items to family and friends as a hobby and to make a little extra cash, I'm going to try to do this big[ger].  

THE INSPIRATION: my daughter.  Oh yea, another reason I haven't  officially opened yet.  I just had a baby!  Well, 8 months ago I had a baby.  But this 8 month old didn't want to be on a schedule that coincided with her 2 year old brother's schedule until a couple weeks ago.  And it's STILL not consistent.  It took her brother about a year to start taking a good 3 hour nap every day at the same time, so I'm hoping that runs in the family!  I'm so hesitant to open the website up if I don't have sure time (at least an hour or 2) every day when I can work on my store.  I don't want to cut into my sleep time...that's far too valuable!  So until school starts, I'm going to have to be careful about making sure I have enough time for work while staying home with the kids.  My #1 priority: my family.  I am a wife and mom first, and if my business gets in the way of that, guess which one has to go.  I want to continue being a stay-at-home mom, but also would love to pursue this passion of mine.  If I can do both, GREAT!


  1. Your baby Ava is gorgeous!!! Can't wait to meet her.

    And congrats on officially being a businesswoman.

    That's awesome. You're doing it all!

    Say hey to the fam.
