Monday, March 26, 2012

Craft Fair #3

I attended my 3rd craft fair last weekend at a local high school hosted by the St. Louis Rotary club.  It was the biggest one I've done (booth and traffic-wise), but I signed up a little late...2 weeks ago to be the spot I got wasn't that great.  There are people who sign up for this thing a year in advance, so you can imagine what I bad spot I got!  There was a huge gym area (which is where most of the 250 booths were).  Then...there was the cafeteria, where there were about 15 of us.  I was in the back corner :(  I did make a lot of sales on Saturday...people loved the Cardinals shirts and taggie skirts!  Sunday was a bit slow, but still made a few sales.  

It was a busy last couple of weeks, just making sure I had enough stuff to bring with me to sell.  And when I sold out of almost all of my skirts and shirts on Satuday, I stayed up really late making more for Sunday.  I only got about 3 hours of sleep that night :(  

My mom pretty much had the kids all weekend, while my husband and Dad did a lot to help me with the heavy lifting and brought me food and stuff.  I even had some friends come by to say hi, and one even brought me cookies!  Thanks, guys!  Overall, it was a busy and tiring weekend, but I had a lot of fun manning my booth and seeing the positive reaction to my creations!

Here's a couple pics of my booth.

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