Monday, June 20, 2011

Headbands and Minivans

I've been sewing flowers and updating the website with new pictures every chance I get, getting ready for opening day.  Here's a few of baby A modeling one of her Amylou headbands.  Don't you just want to pinch those cheeks??

I also have a family vacation coming up!  So things have been a little hectic around our household.  I remember the good ole days when packing for vacation was carefully picking out all my cute swim suits and beach clothes and a different pair of flip flops to match each one.  I used to have a separate suitcase just for shoes.  Now I have a separate suitcase just for diapers.  And I make sure all the clothes I pack for myself will match the ONE pair of black flip flops I can squeeze into my bag.  It's amazing how much stuff you have to pack for a baby!  Bibs, bottles, breastpump, diapers, wipes, baby food, toys and books for the car ride, and LOTS of clothes.  Baby A is a picky eater too, and the only thing she'll eat is homemade veggie/chicken medleys, so I think the food processor is coming with us too.  Not to mention sippy cups, snacks, and toys for little B.  Good thing he's [mostly] potty trained now because underwear takes up much less space than diapers and wipes.

Every time we go on a road trip it's a new adventure.  The kids are a different age, and at every age they react differently on the ride.  I have a good feeling about this one since baby A can be entertained with toys and books for a decent amount of time.  Thank God for the minivan and DVD player!  I'm so excited about our trip.  I can't wait to see how baby A reacts to the sand.  Bon Voyage!

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful trip! Ava, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
