Friday, August 17, 2012

This Too Shall Pass

WARNING: There may be some stuff in this post that is "TMI" (too much information) for some people in regards to birth, breastfeeding, and potential new baby difficulties!  Don't read if any of this scares you or grosses you out!

Baby C is 4 weeks old today.  I wish I could say the time has flown by, but it really hasn't.  I've had to remind myself many times that "this too shall pass".  These have been some of the most difficult weeks of my life.  Baby C is not an easy baby.  In fact, I would go so far as to describe him as the parent-dreaded C-word...colicky.  In addition to this, my precious Little A is hitting her "terrible twos", and she and 4-year-old Big B have gone from being like "peas and carrots" to "cats and dogs".  They take toys away from each other and tease each other, and it's been really tough finding the time and energy to be a referee while taking care of Baby C as well.  I know everyone's world is being rocked with the addition of a new baby, and I did anticipate this, but I guess I was just hoping that things wouldn't be as bad if I expected the worst.

To add to all of this craziness, it's been rough for me physically as well.  In addition to all the usual birth recovery and not much sleep, I had about 2 weeks of sore, bloody nipples from breastfeeding, and a bad virus the last few days that hit me with a high fever and also somehow affected my breast, which made for some EXCRUCIATING breastfeeding.  I thought for sure I had mastitis, but my doctor insisted it was viral.  I completely forgot how much it stinks to have a fever...I can't even remember the last time I had one before this!  When the fever first hit me, I thought for sure I was dying.  I just kept thinking about how I can't leave Chris with three babies to take care of as a single dad!  But, on a happy note, now that I'm over all my physical ailments, I'm hoping things get easier.  Baby C actually slept 7 hours in a row last night and I woke up this morning feeling like a new person.  I hope that this is the start of a turning point for us!

Thank God I have had so much help.  Chris has won the #1 best dad/husband award of the year.  And his parents, my parents, and friends have also helped so much with cooking for us and taking the big kids.  To all you parents out there with little or no help, I don't know how you do it!  I admire you!

My tiny little troublemaker:

"Who, me?"

Thanks to all the help from family and friends, I have had a few good days over the last couple weeks to work on some Halloween embroidery designs.  I'll post more as I get them done.  I am also going to put in an order for toddler girls' long sleeve shirts within the next week!