As many of you know, I am very pregnant with my 3rd baby. I'm officially full term now, at 37 weeks and the baby started dropping today. I've already dilated a little, (1cm as of last Friday, if you want to know specifics). I just can't believe how fast this one has gone by. Life has been crazy being a full-time, stay-at-home mom of 2 toddlers while starting and running my business, and I guess that explains why time is flying by so fast. But, wow, I just can't believe I'll be delivering in the next couple WEEKS. Too crazy.
It's also just been a weird pregnancy. I've been trying to put my finger on why it's been so "weird" and I think I've figured out that it's because it's actually been too "normal". I guess the third time around, it just feels normal to be pregnant. With my first pregnancy, everything was so shocking to me. No matter how many times I read "What to Expect When You're Expecting", I was just never prepared for the real experience of what my body would be going through. After Little B came out, it took me a while to adjust to being a mother too. He was a difficult baby, and I struggled the first few months with nursing and dealing with all the screaming and crying. It took a while to fully grasp the concept of how much of myself I had to give up to be the mom I wanted to be. My second pregnancy was much easier because I really did know what to expect that time around. It was neat to go through those 9 months without everything being so shocking. For example, I was excited when I first felt the baby kick because I knew what it felt like to have a baby kick inside you. People would always ask me if I felt a kick yet with the 1st pregnancy and I was like...umm, I really have no idea. Now w
ith this 3rd pregnancy, I was excited to first feel the baby kick, but it just wasn't the same level of excitement where I was like "Hey! I know what that is! That's a kick!" It was more like "Yay, felt the baby kick :) Now, back to cleaning up the potty-drenched bed sheets." Maybe there's just not as much time to dwell on the excitement because there's too much other stuff going on with the other two kids.
I also feel like ever since having 2, I've been in more of a survival mode rather than a "baby bliss" mode. With both my first pregnancies, I went through nesting, where I prepared beautiful nurseries for the babies, and had all the baby clothes all washed and organized and laid out in their proper places months before the babies came. But now, I'm just doing what I really NEED done. I guess if we had a 4th bedroom, I may have gone through preparing a nursery, but we don't. I also think that maybe if we knew the sex of the baby I may have done some shopping for a few new outfits, but since we've had a boy and a girl already, the baby really doesn't NEED anything new. And I don't really have time to go on fun baby clothes shopping trips anyway.
Now that we're getting so close to my due date though, the excitement of meeting this new baby is finally starting to kick in. I'm sooo excited to find out if it's a girl or a boy and see his or her little face for the first time. I'm also so excited to see how Little B and Baby A are going to react to baby brother or sister. Little B is always hugging and kissing my belly saying "I love my new baby", and Baby A likes to pull up my shirt and push my protruding belly button in over and over again saying "hi baby" with each push. It's a fun, exciting, and CRAZY time in the Amylou household right now, and I have a feeling things are about to get even CRAZIER once we meet this little peanut :)
My amazing friends had an adorable little tea party for me to celebrate baby #3 last weekend. My friend, Michelle, who hosted it is seriously the most amazing hostess ever. Everything was so cute!
My Playgroup Mommy Friends
Don't we all look fabulous for being moms of multiple kids!? |
My Fabulous High School Friends |
Pink and blue tea cups - how cute! |
All the tea condiments |
I thought these were just decorative, but found out that they're great to use as tea stirrers. |
Lots of beautiful desserts and tea sandwiches |
There's my belly - about to pop! |
Cute little monster lovey |