Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's Official

It's official.  I have a company!  I have done all the paper work and Amylou is now officially an LLC according to the state of Missouri.  Hopefully I will be ready to open up shop real soon.  I'll be selling handcrafted baby and toddler gifts, like headbands and tutus.  My website,, is currently under construction.  I had hoped to have started selling by now, but my website ended up being a lot more "professional" than I had originally planned (thanks to my very driven and very talented cousin, Jonathan), so instead of selling a handful of items to family and friends as a hobby and to make a little extra cash, I'm going to try to do this big[ger].  

THE INSPIRATION: my daughter.  Oh yea, another reason I haven't  officially opened yet.  I just had a baby!  Well, 8 months ago I had a baby.  But this 8 month old didn't want to be on a schedule that coincided with her 2 year old brother's schedule until a couple weeks ago.  And it's STILL not consistent.  It took her brother about a year to start taking a good 3 hour nap every day at the same time, so I'm hoping that runs in the family!  I'm so hesitant to open the website up if I don't have sure time (at least an hour or 2) every day when I can work on my store.  I don't want to cut into my sleep time...that's far too valuable!  So until school starts, I'm going to have to be careful about making sure I have enough time for work while staying home with the kids.  My #1 priority: my family.  I am a wife and mom first, and if my business gets in the way of that, guess which one has to go.  I want to continue being a stay-at-home mom, but also would love to pursue this passion of mine.  If I can do both, GREAT!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Baby A's First Tooth

It's funny how such a silly thing can be such a monumental and emotional day.  My 8 and a half month old daughter sprouted her first tooth today.  Her bottom, left front tooth to be exact.  With my son, I couldn't wait for him to hit all these milestones.  And now with her, who may be our last kid depending on how her toddler years start, I want time to slow down.  I'm sad that this little tooth is making its way into our world :(  I just keep thinking of how much I love her little toothless, gummy smile.  And this new tooth is a sign of her turning into a little kid.  I feel like time is running water, and I keep trying to catch it all and cherish every moment, but my hands aren't big enough and the water keeps overflowing out of my hands.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My First Blog Post

I am a 28 year old stay-at-home mom of 2, who has nothing but free time to sit and blog!  Just kidding.  I had this vision of a peaceful life with an amazing husband and beautiful children who are mostly perfectly behaved.  In my vision, the kids and I do fun things during the day, and evenings consist of playing, family walks, and home cooked meals.  Then sweet bedtime stories and kisses goodnight.  Well, didn't quite all work out that way.  Yes, I have an amazing husband and two kids who I love with all my heart, but there's a lot of difficulty in between all the sweet lovey moments.  Kids aren't born well-behaved - it takes years of patience, love, and discipline (WORST part of parenting). And I've learned that those homecooked meals only happen when my hubby gets home at a decent hour from work and I can actually find the time in between diapers, nursing, potty training, feeding, and cleaning to cook.  My life is hectic, but it's also never been better.

So since I have so much free time, I decided that I want to start a company - "Amylou".  I am making cute little baby accessories (headbands, hats, tutus, etc).  I have been inspired by all of the cute little girl stuff I have recently discovered through gifts and shopping for my baby girl.  So, in my blog I am going to share with you this crazy experience of being a mom of 2 babies and launching and running a new business!  Wish me luck!!